Wild Yam
This is another plant that is not true to its name. While the wild yam is a relative to the tropical yam we find in stores, it does not produce any tubers (AKA the yams we eat). While it does not produce any yams, the beautiful vine of the wild yam is enough to win us over. There is something about a vine that seems to intrigue the human mind. While English ivy has had its day in the sun, it’s time to let this native vine take your heart.
The wild yam is dioecious, which means it is either a male or a female. So if you think this plant is as great as we do, be sure to get a few of them to ensure that you get a male and a female plant.
The flowers are whitish or yellowish-green and relatively subtle. The male flowers cluster in groups of 1-3, while female flowers cluster in groups of 5-15. They bloom in early summer, so if they are blooming, can you tell if this is a male or female?
Plant your wild yam in May. It thrives in full sun or part shade, and it loves moist soil.