White Sky

White Sky

WHITE SKY HEFEWEIZEN A traditional hef with balanced but vibrant notes of banana, warming clove, and a comforting essence of breadiness. White Sky is smooth, refreshing, and light as air. It’s a familiar favorite to bring along while exploring both new horizons....
Hazy Oh, Sure

Hazy Oh, Sure

HAZY OH, SURE HAZY IPA Radiating nothing but good vibes, in your hands is a hazified take on our classic Oh, Sure IPA. Vibrant notes of Simcoe, Cashmere, and Mosaic hops fill your cup with dank stone fruit and zesty tangerine aromatics. Availability: February –...
Quadrahopic v401

Quadrahopic v401

QUADRAHOPICv.401 IPA This recipe was formulated with maximum hop saturation in mind, brewed with four mind-blowing hop varieties for maximum aroma: Simcoe, Mosaic, Idaho 7, and Citra. This results in an intense blend of vibrant pineapple, orange, and mango flavor....
Space-Grant PT-5

Space-Grant PT-5

SPACE-GRANT:PT-5 BLACK IPA Each year, our Space-Grant Black IPA celebrates a milestone of interstellar exploration or a captivating celestial event. This year’s edition, celebrates Asteroid 2024 PT-5, which joined us in our cosmic journey from September through...


PEAK SOUTHERN ALPINE PILSNER This snappy winter Pilsner is brewed to celebrate the Alps, no not those Alps, the ones down in New Zealand. Brewed with southern hemisphere Pacifica and Moteuka hops along with Ohio grown Origin Pilsen Malt for an absolute apex of...