Space-Grant PT-5

Space-Grant PT-5

SPACE-GRANT:PT-5 BLACK IPA Each year, our Space-Grant Black IPA celebrates a milestone of interstellar exploration or a captivating celestial event. This year’s edition, celebrates Asteroid 2024 PT-5, which joined us in our cosmic journey from September through...


PEAK SOUTHERN ALPINE PILSNER This snappy winter Pilsner is brewed to celebrate the Alps, no not those Alps, the ones down in New Zealand. Brewed with southern hemisphere Pacifica and Moteuka hops along with Ohio grown Origin Pilsen Malt for an absolute apex of...


ATHLEISURE HOPPY LIGHT ALE Kick off your shoes and engage leisure mode, you earned this one. Citra, El Dorado, and Mosaic Dynaboost hops deliver a ton of flavor in a low-abv package. Coming in at just 125 calories per can, it’s a post competition treat you can...
Something Hoppy

Something Hoppy

SOMETHING HOPPY WEST COAST IPA Don’t overthink it. You know what you want. Step up to the bar and ask for Something Hoppy… It’ll hit the spot. This Hoppy Something is brewed with Mosaic®, Citra®, and Centennial delivering all the orange, lemon,...


BONSPIEL PORTER A deft hand and subtle skill go into delivering the perfect curl as well as crafting up a perfect beer. This limited release Brown Porter sends creamy chocolate roastiness careening down the ice in a deep mahogany package. Perfect for keeping your toes...